Many call the United States of America the "land of opportunity." It used to be said that the roads were paved with gold and you could be and do anything you wanted here.
For many who choose, that dream is still very much alive. And for those who dare to dream, and work hard, that dream becomes reality.
Case in point? Gac Filipaj.

He escaped war-torn Yugoslavia in 1992. He was not able to speak english. When he arrived, he quickly took to learning the language, and then acquired a job as a custodian at a near by school. Someone told him that it was the best school in the city, and so while working, he began to take classes part time. The name of the school? The prestigious ivy league, Columbia University.
For 12 years he studied part time. Now, the fruits of the 52 year old's labors are before him. Gac Filipaj will be graduating, with honors, with a degree in Classics from Columbia University.
Now, to many this would be a great achievement. But Filipaj doesn't intend to stop. He still has some race to run, according to him. His ultimate goal is to earn a graduate degree.
What makes this man even more amazing is that while studying, he worked as the school custodian. Much of his paycheck was sent back to Montenegro to help his family.
Gac Filipaf is the epitome of the American Dream. Someone who has a dream, works hard, stays focused, and helps others, can achieve beyond their expectations.
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