The US Fifth Fleet is stationed in Bahrain, and provides many different services to the United States,
the Kingdom of Bahrain, and the world.
But this time, it was their navigation skills that are being heralded. On April 4,
these skilled seamen completed a transit of the Suez Canal.

The canal is 120 miles long and 79 feet deep, and at some points is no more than 200 feet wide. This is very significant considering the size of the USS Enterprise, the vessel that made the trip. The Enterprise is the Navy's largest ship, stretching 1,123 feet and is 257 feet wide at the flight deck.
But with months of training, the crew successfully completed the 20-hour voyage, ending at the Red Sea.
Without a doubt, this was a culminating transit for the USS Enterprise,
that is on its 22nd and final deployment.
Thanks to the USS Enterprise for its dedicated service,
and most important, those who manned the carrier!
To read entire article, please visit Fifth Fleet web page.
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